Yugioh - Deck Probability Calculator

Want to calculate the probability of drawing specific cards in your Yu-Gi-Oh! deck? Our Yugioh Probability Calculator, based on the hypergeometric distribution, helps you determine your draw odds with precision. This Hypergeometric Calculator for Yu-Gi-Oh! allows you to optimize your deck and improve your game strategy. Simply enter the number of cards, deck size, and discover your draw probabilities with our advanced Yugioh Draw Probability Calculator. Our tool also supports Jolly Cards, flexible cards that can serve multiple roles. You can assign them to different categories, dynamically adjusting the probability calculations to reflect their versatile nature in your deck. Perfect for TCG players looking to maximize their chances of success!

Probability: 0%

Jolly Card Example #1

You could create a Starter category and a Board Breaker category, then define a Jolly category for Triple Tactics Thrust, since this card can potentially function as both a Starter and a Board Breaker. With this setup, you can analyze how the probability of drawing Starters and Board Breakers in your opening hand changes. Click Here to see!

Jolly Card Example #2

Let's say you want to calculate the probability of drawing both Starters and Extenders in your opening hand. However, there might be some Jolly cards that can function as both a Starter and an Extender. By placing them in a separate Multirole category, you can see how the probability of drawing Starters and Extenders is affected. Click Here to see!